How to Help Someone With Concerta Addiction
When you love someone with an addiction, it can be hard to understand why he or she can’t just stop using overnight. Addiction can take over an individual’s life and produce an all-consuming desire to continue use, despite the user wanting or needing to stop.
It is important to understand that recovery takes time, dedication, and a lot of hard work. However, with the right treatment and the will to succeed, it is possible to achieve a life free from the abuse of Concerta.
Help for Concerta Addicts
Recovery from the throes of addiction is typically successful when an individual seeks addiction treatment through either a residential inpatient or outpatient treatment center. These centers typically incorporate a number of steps that may include:
- Medical evaluation.
- Supervised detoxification.
- Individual counseling and/or group therapy sessions.
- Other recovery resources, such as regular participation in 12-step programs.
- Planning for aftercare, such as transfer to a sober living facility.
An addiction treatment center provides a great support system for individuals fighting addiction, as well as therapy and skills training to prevent relapse.
Is Concerta Addictive?
Concerta is the trade name for methylphenidate, a stimulant medication used to treat ADD and ADHD in both children and adults. The drug is often taken under the supervision of a doctor or other medical or mental health professional.
When taken as prescribed, Concerta can be very effective in the treatment of attention-deficit disorder. However, as with many stimulant drugs, it can be addictive. In fact, it is a Schedule II drug, meaning it has a high potential for abuse which may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence.
Concerta is commonly abused for the cocaine-like effects it can produce, such as:
- Euphoria.
- Increased wakefulness and focus.
- Talkativeness.
It is particularly addictive when users:
- Take it in doses and/or with a frequency greater than intended.
- Mix it with other drugs.
- Take it via alternate methods, such as by crushing and snorting, or via injection after dissolving into liquid solution.
What Are the Signs of Concerta Addiction?
The risks of adverse effects of Concerta use are minimized among those taking it as directed by medical professionals. As mentioned, taking Concerta in doses and for periods of time that exceed prescribed parameters constitutes substance abuse; those who abuse stimulants in this manner often show a number of alarming signs and symptoms of addiction.
The negative side effects which might indicate that someone is abusing Concerta include:
- Marked and rapid weight loss.
- Mood swings and irritability.
- Agitation.
- Sleep disturbances/inability to sleep.
- Increased heart rate/tachycardia/elevated blood pressure.
- Hallucinations, pressured speech, “flight of ideas,” and other signs that mimic psychosis.
- Convulsions.
The above symptoms often point to abuse, and seeking help for the individual displaying such signs and symptoms is extremely important. Continued use, especially at high doses or in combination with other drugs, can result in overdose and possibly death.
Concerta Addiction Treatment
Help is available for those who suffer from Concerta abuse, dependence, and addiction. It is important to seek help immediately once you suspect that you or a loved one has an addiction to Concerta. The severity of the addiction will dictate the “best” type of addiction treatment.
Some people, on their own, are able to cut back their excessive use with less intensive treatment, such as that which a person would receive through an outpatient rehabilitation center.
However, some people require intensive and medically assisted treatment to first deal with their withdrawal symptoms, which will then enable them to move through active rehabilitation to overcome their addictions. An inpatient rehabilitation treatment center is the best option for those wanting or needing intensive, 24-hour care, as well as for those who would benefit from being removed from environments or trigger situations that have been supporting continued substance use.
Clinical Supervision during withdrawal is a key component of addiction treatment, as going through withdrawal on your own can be extremely uncomfortable, can cause or intensify depression or other mental health issues, and can lead you to sabotage your own recovery in an attempt to put a stop to the symptoms. A rehab center, staffed with a team of professionals, can help you in this process.
Call Our Hotline Today
Professional treatment can stat anyone battling addiction on the path to a happier and healthier life. Rehab facilities are located throughout the U.S., and many offer specialized treatment that can cater to individual needs. American Addiction Centers (AAC) is a leading provider of addiction treatment programs and has trusted rehab facilities across the country. If you are addicted to Concerta or you know someone struggling with abuse, call AAC’s free helpline today at for more information and help identifying your treatment needs.
Treatment support specialists are ready to take your confidential call and help you or a loved one understand how treatment can help you live a life free from the constant pull of addiction. There are also free drug abuse hotline numbers you can contact.