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Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers in Brookwood, Alabama

If abusing drugs or alcohol is negatively impacting your personal and professional life, Brookwood has a variety of excellent drug abuse clinics to help you, your spouse or your child. Whether addicted to Zydone, opiates, pain pills or alcohol, we can help you connect with rehabilitation to get the best-quality help available. You can even find private or private treatment in Brookwood to make rehab as easy as possible.

Treatment Centers near Brookwood, AL

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If you need further assistance, American Addiction Centers can help. Explore our nationwide network of treatment facilities, or call 888-744-0069 to speak with a compassionate admissions navigator. It's confidential and free, and there is no obligation to enter treatment.
Not Finding What You Need?AAC Logo is owned and operated by American Addiction Centers (AAC). AAC is a leading rehabilitation provider, offering all levels of care from detox to sober living, including 9 inpatient facilities nationwide.

Give us a call at 888-744-0069 for any questions regarding treatment.

Information About Rehab in Brookwood

Latest Reviews

Latest Reviews of Rehabs in Alabama

Bradford Health Services - A Reprieve for Men

Staffed by recovering addicts/alcoholics. Strong ties to the community. Great accommodations and training facility. Long term options for extended care. No insurance coverage, so affordability (though relatively inexpensive) is only for those who have disposable income. The program is fairly new. You need detox before attending. This is an all male treatment program. It offers many therapies and an atmosphere of brotherhood. Wonderful immersion into 12 step recovery and assistance with real world reintroduction. Great community involvement and service opportunities. Great dining and living arrangements.

- Christopher
4.3 out of 5
Opelika, AL

Phoenix House

Treatment was effective.

- Anonymous
5 out of 5
Tuscaloosa, AL

The Lovelady Center

The Lovelady center is the most Jesus filled program I have ever been to!! I graduated Jan 24 2020 and I remain sober and a productive member of society!! Without this place I would not be the Strong woman of God I have become today!! They supplied all my needs!! Kidszone is amazing it\'s such a blessing to have a daycare for the mom\'s and kids while the mom\'s focus on Jesus and there recovery!! We\'re very blessed to have 2 wonderful thrift stores and the donations we receive are from God!! I would recommend this program to all woman!! Lovelady saved my life

- Brittnie Piteo
5 out of 5
Birmingham, AL