About California Highlands Addiction Treatment
The goals of California Highlands Addiction Treatment are to effectively treat both addiction and mental health issues. Our use of empirically sound treatment modalities, along with compassionate, dedicated and highly educated and experienced staff can best contribute to lasting recovery. The purpose of California Highlands Addiction Treatment is to put the client’s recovery first, making it a unique and lasting experience. Our program is built on a curriculum that allows for clients to get 30 days sober, and unearth core issues and teach lasting coping tools to intervene upon addictive and maladaptive behaviors.
In order to help you achieve these results, we enlist the expertise of licensed staff members. Our clinicians are adaptive and have a breadth of treatment modalities to effectively treat the needs of each individual client. A variety of proven therapy methods such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness, and Motivational Interviewing will help you get to the heart of your addiction or mental health condition, and achieve lasting recovery.