I just want to thank Goerge for the wonderful job he is doing and for trying to help me. I lost custody of my daughter cause of the lies from social workers. I lost the 388 over the lies of social workers. The system is a business our children are paychecks in the dcfs pockets they don\'t care about the children and the family\'s that get hurt. I lost everything my wife my kids my freedom they took everything from me. I have a court case coming up for pos. Of a firearm a gun and im going back to jail to serve 12 years. Im 43 yrs old ill be out when im 55 yrs old if I ever get out I will never see my daughter again and all I wanted was my daughter back. Dcfs did this to me the North Hollywood police gang unit did this to men Proyecto del Barrio are the only ones that tried to help me. I loved the program I learned alot thank you