This is the most unprofessional recovery establishment I\'ve come across. The staff are clearly untrained and under supervised. Their \"treatment plans\" consist of paper packets with \"fill in the blank\" pages. There is 0 effort or thought put into treatment and individualized care is non-existent (unless you consider special treatment and blind favoritism individualized, fair treatment). They behave as if they are prison guards, not care professionals. The basis for the majority of their decisions is not thoughtful or deliberate, it\'s just whatever they feel like doing that day. They have more staff members who have never had an issue with addiction than those with personal experience - whom boast an attitude of moral turpitude toward clients/patients. The staff constantly violate HIPAA by discussing patient/client business among other patients/clients. They also treat the men much better than the women. They have different curfews and permissions (WHERE they can smoke, when they can leave, the places they can go, etc.) These people have absolutely no business \"helping\" people with behavioral issues. I have never felt worse than a recovering alcoholic than those that are court mandated to absolute madness and misery at the hands of Recovery Place. They put my sister through absolute hell while she did everything she could to get better. She would follow instructions and then get in trouble with someone else for following those instructions. She was forced to abandon people in her recovery fellowship who had been by her side her entire stay, all because they wanted to shake things up. They then forced her to abandon the steps she was actively working to go back to the beginning - impeding real growth. When a plant grows to big for its pot, you don\'t chop off the roots by which its expanding, you give it a bigger pot. Recovery Place chops roots, if that wasn\'t clear. They are causing more harm than good.