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Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers in Craigmont, Idaho

If abusing alcohol or drugs is negatively affecting your personal and professional life, Craigmont has many highly-rated drug abuse facilities to help you or a loved one. Whether addicted to Cocaine, opiate drugs, pain medication or alcohol, we can help you connect with rehabilitation to get the greatest help available. You can even find private or executive treatment in Craigmont to make rehab as easy as possible.

Treatment Centers near Craigmont, ID

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If you need further assistance, American Addiction Centers can help. Explore our nationwide network of treatment facilities, or call 888-744-0069 to speak with a compassionate admissions navigator. It's confidential and free, and there is no obligation to enter treatment.
Not Finding What You Need?AAC Logo is owned and operated by American Addiction Centers (AAC). AAC is a leading rehabilitation provider, offering all levels of care from detox to sober living, including 9 inpatient facilities nationwide.

Give us a call at 888-744-0069 for any questions regarding treatment.

Information About Rehab in Craigmont

Latest Reviews

Latest Reviews of Rehabs in Idaho

The Walker Center - Residential Treatment

Good facility but needs better counseling options.

- Anonymous
4 out of 5
East Gooding, ID

Kootenai Health

Went into emergency, treated, triaged, admitted and spent little over 24 hours....fantastic in every respect, including staff, care, food, etc. Don't want a repeat, but the hospital did a great job and provided excellent care and service

- Barbara
5 out of 5
Coeur d'Alene, ID

Moonlight Mountain Recovery

I was in the nampa location 8898 for 30 days of drug and alcohol treatment and now at the columbia house for mental health part and honestly all staff and counselors helped me out so amazingly. I recomend anyone struggling to go. It changed my life

- Melissa
5 out of 5
Nampa, ID