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Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers in Carney, Michigan

If abuse of medication or alcohol is draining your bank account and the joy from your life, Carney has a wealth of top-rated drug abuse programs to help you or someone close to you. Whether addicted to Ativan, opiates, pain medication or alcohol, we can help you connect with rehabilitation to get the best help available. You can even find executive or luxury treatment in Carney to make rehab as easy as possible.

Treatment Centers near Carney, MI

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Latest Reviews of Rehabs in Michigan

Serenity Point Recovery Center

I am 35 years old a father of four young children and I was addicted to meth. I started using with a friend when I was at a party when I was 28 and I was almost instantly addicted. My girlfriend at the time had also been using we would go on weekend binges together and it seemed fun at first. Till she got pregnant with our fist daughter. She made the decision to stop and she did for our child and she wanted me to as well. I had a hard time giving it up I tried several times I did but I always made an excuse and went back to it. She threatened to leave me several times we would break up and then be right back together our lives were falling apart and it was my fault it truly was. She stopped she wanted a better life and I was stuck it felt like, why did I let this have so much power of over me. I continued with the meth use for several years by this time we had three children 2 girls and one boy. my girlfriend wanted so bad to marry me and start a new life so she told me if I got help she would marry me and we could move and start this new life so I agreed I was ready to do this for her and my kids. I got help and I got clean for a while we got married and then became pregnant with my last son. everything seemed good I had gotten a good job I was taking care of my family we were saving money to move it was going to be great. I went to work one day and heard a rumor that there were going to be a lot of layoffs I prayed I was not one of them but by the end of that day I had found out I was and it was devastating to me. I got home that night and got drunk I did not know what I was going to do just like that my life was falling apart again and there was nothing I could do. For the days following I put in app after app and called every day looking quickly to find another job and fast I had to stay occupied I did not want to mess up. After two weeks with no luck I got discouraged and I started using again at first I had tried my best to hide it from my wife but she knew and she was angry. She threatened to leave so I drained our savings and hid it from her thinking she would not go anywhere and she still did she took the kids and moved with her parents. at this point I was all alone reality was setting in and it was too much to deal with I went on a weeklong binge and used all our savings I do not think I saw daylight at all during that week and I was ashamed I was embarrassed for what I was doing how far I had come to just lose it all. this was too hard to do on my own I knew if I wanted my family back I had to get clean and learn how to stay that way and I could not do it by myself I had tried that and I failed. I made some phone calls and I went to treatment the next day I had a friend drive me it was the longest drive ever it seemed but I was ready to get my life back I had to for my family they needed me. the facility when I got there was very nice the staff greeted me and showed me where I would be staying and made me feel at home that put my mind a little more at ease. my family did not know I was there I wanted to get clean and get myself right before I had shown my face to them and apologized and tried to make things right. The first month was the hardest going through with drawl being sick and missing my family I almost gave up. I got up every day and did my best with the help of the nurses and doctors I made it through. I do not know where I would be if not for the staff at serenity point they saved my life every time I wanted to throw in the towel they would not let me they helped me help myself. as of today I am out of treatment I am 4 months sober and I am going to school for video game design I plan on making a bright future for my kids and my wife. after treatment I reunited with my family who was happy I went and got help to get better and we have also moved out of state and I am focused on my goals now I see clearly and I have a wonderful support system. I would like to thank everyone at serenity point all the staff the doctors the nurses that helped me get through this dark time in my life. They gave me hope when I needed it the most and I would not be here today if it had not been for them encouraging me and pushing me through. I encourage anyone needing help to just make that call it will change your life forever there is life after drugs you can make it out of an addiction just take the first steps for you for a better life and it will be worth it after all is said and done.

- SR
5 out of 5
Marne, MI

Awakenings Rehabilitation

When I went to Awakenings it was because I needed help with an addiction to pain pills and Suboxone. The Suboxone I started to get off the pain pills but I was using one or the other and couldn’t get off. When I went to Awakenings I got the exact right kind of help I needed and I’ve able to stay sober since coming home after finishing my program. When I started using it was because I wanted to try it, wanted to see what it was like. Such a stupid and costly mistake. When I realized that I’d become dependent on pills I went to my parents for help. I didn’t want to go to rehab because I was afraid that I’d go there and end up with a bigger habit or something. I’d read some stories of that happening to people, or they’d go to rehab for weed and when they left they’d start using meth or something. Because of that fear my parents and I decided on me going to a doctor and getting on Suboxone. Which did help. It got me off the pills. Only then, I couldn’t get off the Suboxone. I was weaned down on the Suboxone till I was taking only a little bit, then I stop taking it and as soon as the withdrawal started, I’d start looking for something to stop it. Whether that was pills or Suboxone I didn’t care. After a year of that my parents decided I needed rehab. I went though I didn’t completely agree. I knew I needed some help and thought that if I could get everything out of my system, then I wouldn’t needed help staying that way. I did do the program, just not as well as I could have. I wasn’t as sincere as I should’ve been, didn’t try as hard as I could’ve. I made it 3 months after coming home before I relapsed. I went back on Suboxone, back to that cycle until my parents found Awakenings and sent me there. It’s a great place for so many reasons. There 2 that were most important to me though was the program itself and the staff there. The program isn’t just one program that everyone does. They have different options there and I found a program that worked best for me. The staff, as soon as I got there they made sure I felt welcome and that I was comfortable. Through my withdrawal they made sure I was as comfortable as possible and continued to be there through my whole program, helping me whenever I needed it. Because of all that I’ve stayed sober since I finished my program and came home. I feel so much better now. I know what to do and how to handle that comes my way and by using what I learned at Awakenings, I know that no matter what I’ll be able to stay sober.

- AC
4.3 out of 5
Albion, MI

Great Lakes Rehabilitation Center

They offer a broad range of treatment options & resources . The staff is committed to changing lives. They incorporate peers as staff that helps the addict connect. They assist families with transportation options. The cost reasonable but prohibitive to many whose families can't afford it. Should consider Medicaid. Many with dual diagnosis will always need Rx to stay stable. And they are weak in this area. Many use due to pre existing mental health conditions. I also believe they should incorporate Vivitrol for relapse prevention for heroin as it has a 70% success rate. We have had an excellent experience with this facility as parents. Our son has maintained sobriety and currently works for the facility he attended. He helps many people and we as his parents & family are very proud of him.

- TR
5 out of 5
Manistee, MI