Maybe I was 1 out of thousands but my intake was mixed up with some person who's addiction were many, but not mine,which was 1.(never found out because I left there just as addicted as when I got there) so some $28000. out of my own pocket. Though out the "rehab" I was constantly told I'm in denial. I never found out of the mix up until after I left. The facility acknowledged in written the mixed up intake. But refused to let me go through the program again. His addition smoking, alcohol and I believe opioids. I did nit smoke, did not drink at all nor use opioids. I had sadly got addicted to crack cocaine. So much for individual treatment for the individual needs. It ruined my 20 Year marriage. lost access to my 3 daughters I failed the program. It took me years after to overcome my addition. The $28000. I paid was the last money I had. I was left homeless after that. I challenge Hazelton to Deny this. They are 1st a money machine thats their First priority. If they help you it is secondary clearly evidenced by not allowing to redo "my individual program Cory mcdonnell ph. 608.772. 7089