If you have a choice between HELL or this “rehab facility” choose HELL because you will be less humiliated and end up better off in the long run because burning in sulfurous flames for eternity is more desirable than rubbing elbows with these incompetent greedy uncaring twisted dehumanizing sadomasochistic “ healthcare providers “. The program is a thinly veiled sham whose sole purpose is to fleece your insurance ( to the tune of $130,000 a pop) and bring you in a every 6 months in a revolving door fashion for reevaluation, which appears to never end [until your insurance runs out]. I was there for six months until my insurance ran out then Wala I was immediately discharged. So let’s go over some specific facets of their approach which their expensive marketing team have omitted from their marketing lies.
You are kept locked up like a murderer for most of the stay and when you are allowed to go to Walmart for basic human needs 2-4 weeks into the stay you go linked together in groups of 4 with everyone in the store whispering and pointing as you “shop”. After you shop they inspect everything you bought and throw away all dangerous contraband [like freshly cut flowers]. They occasionally give you a big night out by pulling you up to local restaurants and announce to everyone that addicts are going to be eating here and only let you enter as the last people are asked to leave and then parade you out of the bus with everyone looking at you with judgment and disgust. Moms pulling their children out of your path and telling them not to get close to you. They stop your meds, which I can’t prove but I’m certain led directly to my heart attack. They play favorites with the patients and basically give their pets ( which I noticed just happen to be young females with good insurance or money) the bully pulpit to verbally attack you , unchecked, in your 2-3x/d “‘community meetings” Their pets appear to be the ones with deep pockets like one little blond who was there for pimping out all the girls in her sorority to be prostitutes but her daddy had deep pockets so she had been there several YEARS and was the leader of the show In community meeting allowed to verbally abuse and accuse anybody of anything without proof and was never held accountable. $$$$$$$
Their approach is to first ABSOLUTELY BREAK YOU EMOTIONALLY and make you dependent on them and their program( which you basically don’t ever get to leave……until you are broke and can’t pay. Every time you are in group you start with “ Hi I’m Brad and I’m a sex addict I’m addictied to mastrubation, lust, porn, etc etc. One of their wonderful tactics is to let you earn the right to eg plant flowers and when they see that you enjoy it cut off that privilege, instruct the other patients not to water the plants you’ve poured your heart into, and revel in the misery you are in watching your hard work wither and die.
They tape demeaning signs to your back , which you can’t see but their pets can and laugh and snicker as you pass absolutely unchecked by staff.
They don’t allow you to exercise until they drive you up to the gym in the van and link you together in 4s and parade you in in front of everyone to humiliate you ( part of their way of breaking you). They give you regular polygraph tests for which they make you pay $600/ test, ask all sorts of unrelated very personal questions and then share it with the group for their own sick pleasure.
They regularly toss your room looking for contraband necessitating you reorganizing your entire personal belongings and stand there grinning watching you. Another of their myriad of sick satanic behaviors. I could go on for pages but I believe that you get the idea.
They dangle your discharge in front of you, knowing full well that you’re not really finished with you. When you do run out of money they have to ok EVERYTHING you will do when you leave and if you can’t prove compliance they start you back at square one [ that way they get their next payday] They have to approve EVERY FACET of your new life, which mandatorily includes at least 1-2 12 step meetings PER DAY [documented by signatures from the group leader], pre approval of EVERY CAR ROUTE you are allow to take to your new job, which they have to approve as well but often don’t. EG I wanted to drive shrimp up from the gulf to sell which they denied because it would be Too Triggering. I submitted 14 different potential jobs to them… all denied.
To be more absurd , if you are ever lucky enough to get out you are given a”
Care plan” usually involving years of living in a locked monitored half way house requiring sign in and out[ which I suspect that they also own]. If you do get a job you have to inform EVERYONE IN THE OFFICE that you are a eg Sex Offender and have then have each coworker fill out weekly evaluations stating that you have not tried to touch them, come onto them etc. NOW THESE ARE THE PEOPLE YOU WORK WITH EVERYDAY! Total humiliation!