About Mark Twain Behavioral Health
Hannibal Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Inc. believes that prolonged substance abuse or chemical dependency leads to physical and psychological deterioration. In addition, prolonged substance abuse leads to deterioration of family relationships, employment, and frequently brings the abuser into contact with the criminal justice system. Substance abuse creates considerable cost to society in terms of the abuser’s loss of personal income; costs incurred with the criminal justice system contact; and cost involved with the treatment and rehabilitation of the abuser and/or the abuser’s family members. Hannibal Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Inc., it’s Board of Directors, general membership and employees are dedicated to providing quality, affordable, and accessible treatment services to the substance abuser and the abuser’s family members. We seek to continually improve services by seeking new opportunities, refining our existing delivery systems and creatively and efficiently expanding services whenever possible.