I was just there for 7 days, which was 7 days too long. Most of the techs were nice but overworked due to lots of people being fired or quitting and not being replaced (from what I was told). Administration was sub par at best. I was fed lies and broken promises 75% of the time. This place is a dilapidated understaffed hole in the wall. It's falling apart faster than they are fixing it. There are so many places where walls are peeling, bathrooms not working properly, there was a lock to one of the bathrooms that didn't work at all. That is very concerning due to that there are male and female clients on the same floor and they all use the same bathroom facilities. The food was edible but there were several unsanitary situations in the kitchen, such as plates were not being dried properly, to the hot wells sometimes not even being turned on so the food was cold, cross contamination by the cooks touching surfaces they shouldn't and not changing gloves etc. There was never enough plates or silverware for all clients. Phone calls are monitored, but not for the right reasons. You only get three 10 minute phone calls a week. If you don't know the numbers by heart, good luck getting your cell phone to write the numbers down. If you are only able to talk to your family at certain times of the day because they work, good luck, because they do not change the call times. I would of only been able to talk to my wife and kids once a week. I did not see my counselor until the 6th day after my arrival. I never even met my case worker before I left, and they never substituted either one for me. If you decide it isn't the place for you to do your recovery and you say "you want to go home" while on the phone with whoever your emergency contact is, they will cut the call short and try to coerce he/she to keeping you there saying "you are not ready to go home". Luckily my wife was on my side, she showed up the next day, and drove 4 and 1/2 hours to get me. When she arrived it took them 2 hours to get me ready. I was pulled into the counselor's office an hour after she arrived and was asked what was going on. I explained that my wife was on the way to get me and I'm going to continue my treatment somewhere else. I asked if my wife was already there and was told "no" by my counselor when in fact my counselor was the first person to talk to my wife when she arrived. After that the head administrator tried to talk my wife out of it again. I found this out only after I was finally released and was able to talk to my wife face to face. When the last resort was for them to remind me of the 72 hour hold for my belongings, I told them I would be back up to get them and may even take a tour of New York while I was back up there. They let me have my belongings when I left anyway. They tried and did everything they legally could to keep me there. Not all the staff were bad, there were a few that went out of their way to try and fix some of the issues I was having. On a positive note I left there sober and I already have another recovery facility lined up. I was not required to attend this recovery facility by law, by my wife, by my family, or any other party. I decided it was time for me to get help and if this what you have to go through, it will make you think twice before using again.