About AIM Recovery Center
AIM Recovery Center provides substance abuse treatment and recovery support services for men struggling with addiction. We use the latest brain science to create a 12 step alternative that unloads the baggage of the past, reframes the behaviors and thinking of the present, and offers hope for a successful future.
We are located in Texas, halfway between Houston and Galveston, and we provide services for up to 80 men in our program. Our AIM is to Accept, Inspire, and Mentor.
Our intensive program will take you from addiction to freedom. We have an instant start program that can get clients immediate help. We surround clients with support services to assure that when they graduate, they are ready to move into a successful life; fully armed with tools and resources to chart a path to a life they are proud of. This life includes having strong, healthy relationships, a professional career, a solid core of values, being spiritually grounded and inspired, a mindset of helping and encouraging others, and a life free from all addictions and addictive behaviors. After graduation, we offer 4 different levels of after care support depending on the clients needs. So, from the day you call us, for as long as you need us... we will be there.