Im writing this review not to bash the owners or program but to just give adequate warning to anyone considering sending their son here, please keep that in mind.
I attended ashcreek from winter 2018 to winter 2019, and what i experienced there turned me away from getting the help i actually needed. i was sent to Ashcreek for drug abuse problems which where at the time just marijuana and alcohol and i will admit i was out of control. Ashcreek did not help me at all with these problems, there was so focus or actual help for addiction there, AA or NA is a 12 step program that you work with another alcoholic or addict to complete and the steps dont end past that either. On the other hand Ashcreek made a complete mockery of the program that has helped so many get their lifes together and saved them from near certain death. My \"sponor\" at ashcreek was my therapist (for those not in the know that is VERY taboo). There was no work on the 12 steps, i was just told to write from a NA book i did nothing actually on the 12 steps. My nest point is the food and program necessities, we constanly where being given lower quality food since there was a \"lack of funds for food\", meanwhile the owner Darren was buying additions to his houses and his properties. Ashcreek destroyed my relationship with my family and we are finally on good terms almost 3 years later. the program would lie to my family about what was happening to keep me there longer and if i tried to tell my family about what was going on id be shut down by my therapist/\"sponsor\" at the time and my parents would be told im doing terrible and im lying for a way out. finally after a year my family saw through the owners lies and pulled me out of the program, i returned home with so much resentment and anger i messed my life up worse than i did before which is a result of my own childishness and immaturity. i finally got sober February 12 2020 thanks to a sober living that has actually showed me the 12 steps and how to life a life as a responsible member of society. Again i did not write this review to bash Ashcreek or the owners but to help someone who is struggling with a child send their son to a place that they will actually get support and help they need. Thank you to any who have read this essay all the way through and may you have a blessed day. -Will Former patient at Ashcreek Ranch Academy