If abuse of drugs or alcohol is impacting your professional and personal life, Carnation has a number of top drug abuse facilities to help you, your spouse or your child. Whether addicted to Halcion, opioids, painkillers or alcohol, we can help you connect with rehabilitation to get the top help available. You can even find executive or private treatment in Carnation to make rehabilitation as easy as possible.
Drugabuse.com is owned and operated by American Addiction Centers (AAC). AAC is a leading rehabilitation provider, offering all levels of care from detox to sober living, including 9 inpatient facilities nationwide.
After a long cycle of traditional rehab, relapse, traditional rehabs again and again, my son found John Volken Academy. What a difference this unique program has made! I truly don’t know if my son would be alive today without the skills and heart-change resulting from the principles and processes of this program.
I felt very excepted and was treated with respect.I have four years clean from meth and have my life back.
Strengths: Native American Track, deep into personal conflicts into the individual, gets them talking, mindfullness work, cultural, drumming, makes drums, and get to keep them beating, Weaknesses: Filtering out people that actually wanted treatment, others there for legal reasons, I would highly recommend this program, to any Native American or any other race.